Facebook Forum: Mayday for Mental Health with Pat Kenny

Illinois Fire Service Institute presents Patrick J. Kenny in Facebook Forum: Mayday for Mental Health, live free training. 

Illinois Fire Service Institute | Facebook 
Facebook Live Forum – Free Live Training  
Mayday for Mental Health 
Thursday, Jan. 7, 2021 1:00 CST 
Instructor: Fire Chief Patrick Kenny

Instructor Patrick Kenny joined us in the Facebook Forum today for a candid conversation on mental health and resiliency in the fire service. Great conversation for first responders, families and friends of the fire service.

A Facebook account is not needed for this open forum.

Listen to the recording here:

Facebook Forum: Mayday for Mental Health

#weareifsi  #takingthecapeoff

Links to the resources shared during the broadcast:
Illinois Fire Fighter Peer Support – www.ilffps.org
RE;ACT – www.react4ryan.com
Rosecrance Florian Program – www.rosecranceflorian.org
Illinois State Fire Marshal