Pat Kenny Keynote Speaker at the Effingham Fire Department
Effingham Fire Department
July 18, 2017
Chief Pat Kenny, from Western Springs, was the keynote speaker at the Effingham Fire Department last night. Chief Kenny’s very personal and direct approach to mental and physical health issues in the Fire Service was meant to bring awareness to some very serious issues.
The training session was attended by the firefighters and their families – as the main objective was to bring attention to two of the most important issues facing fire service leaders today: firefighter mental health and cancer. Armed with a career of advocacy for firefighter health and wellness and a personal story, Chief Kenny put forth a call to action to stand up and face these challenges head-on, to exemplify the strong and defined leadership necessary in these trying times, and to extend the brotherhood and sisterhood beyond simple words. He compared how both challenges are looked at and responded to by the fire service from firefighter to chief. He offered the department personnel several avenues of assistance and encouraged them to take action when needed. His thought provoking session left many with a new insight on how on to effectively deal with the mental and the physical health issues that plague the fire service today.
The Effingham Fire Department personnel would like to extend a big “Thank You” to Chief Kenny for taking the time out of his busy schedule and travel south to train his fellow firefighters. Your courage and dedication speaks volumes about your character and continues to serve as inspiration for all of us.